Chinese New Year around the corner, here are some words for your yushen
1. Raw fish (生鱼, Sheng Yu)
年年有馀 “Nian Nian You Yu” symbolising abundance ‘surplus’ through the new year
年年有馀 “Nian Nian You Yu” symbolising abundance ‘surplus’ through the new year
2. Pomelo (柚子, You Zi)
大吉大利 “Da Ji Da Li” which means good luck and fortune.
大吉大利 “Da Ji Da Li” which means good luck and fortune.
3. Pepper & Cinnamon
powder (胡椒粉, Hu Jiao Fen)
招财进宝 “Zhao Cai Jin Bao” to invite wealth and treasures in.
Must-do for business lo hei.
4. Oil (油, You)
一本万利 “Yi Ben Wan Li” which means 10,000times of profit for your business
一本万利 “Yi Ben Wan Li” which means 10,000times of profit for your business
5. Carrots (红萝卜, Hong Luo Bo)
鸿运当头 “Hong Yun Dang Tou” which means good luck ahead.
鸿运当头 “Hong Yun Dang Tou” which means good luck ahead.
6. Shredded green radish (青萝卜, Qing Luo Bo)
青春常驻 “Qing Chun Chang Zhu” for eternal beauty and forever young.
青春常驻 “Qing Chun Chang Zhu” for eternal beauty and forever young.
7. Shredded white radish (白萝卜, Bai Luo Bo)
风生水起 “Feng Sheng Shui Qi” and 步步高升 “Bu Bu Gao Sheng” which means prosperity in business and rising to greater heights (read. job promotions).
风生水起 “Feng Sheng Shui Qi” and 步步高升 “Bu Bu Gao Sheng” which means prosperity in business and rising to greater heights (read. job promotions).
8. Peanuts (花生粉, Hua Sheng Fen)
金银满屋 “Jin yin man wu” symbolizes a household filled with gold and silver.
金银满屋 “Jin yin man wu” symbolizes a household filled with gold and silver.
9. Sesame seeds (芝麻, Zhi Ma)
生意兴隆 “Sheng Yi Xing Long” for a flourishing business.
生意兴隆 “Sheng Yi Xing Long” for a flourishing business.
10. Golden Crackers (薄脆饼干, Bo Cui Bing Gan)
遍地黄金 “Bian Di Huang Jin” for fortune (gold) all over the place.
遍地黄金 “Bian Di Huang Jin” for fortune (gold) all over the place.
11. Plum sauce (酸梅酱, Suan Mei Jiang)
甜甜蜜蜜 “Tian Tian Mi Mi” for sweet and loving relationships
甜甜蜜蜜 “Tian Tian Mi Mi” for sweet and loving relationships
12. Finally, stir (lao) Yusheng and Huat Ah!
Shout "Huat Ah” 发啊 and toss the dish & celebrate with your family and friends to a great year ahead!
Shout "Huat Ah” 发啊 and toss the dish & celebrate with your family and friends to a great year ahead!
Wish all of you happy Chinese New Year!